Where Does EMDR Help With Depression?

Where Does EMDR Help With Depression?

When I have a client in my office who is experiencing depression, there are certain ways a client is describing their depressive symptoms when I think EMDR would be most beneficial. Clients will describe frustration by being told by others “you have such a great life,...
What is Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (c-PTSD)?

What is Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (c-PTSD)?

Most people have heard of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) when learning about symptoms people experience from traumatic events such as being a first responder to a natural disaster, serving in a military operation overseas, or being the victim of a sexual...
Does EMDR Help With Anxiety?

Does EMDR Help With Anxiety?

I am trained in a lot of different approaches to help with anxiety, but I find EMDR to be one of the most impactful and long lasting. One of the ways I describe EMDR is it can go places in therapy where talk therapy can not. Another way I describe how EMDR is to my...
Guide to Integrative Counseling

Guide to Integrative Counseling

There’s a common misconception out there that making yourself feel better is as simple as finding a fix. If you break your arm, all you have to do is put a cast on it and wait for it to heal. And if someone breaks your heart, all you have to do is buy a pint of ice...
A New Normal: Why Medicalizing Mental Health is a Problem

A New Normal: Why Medicalizing Mental Health is a Problem

This above photo is my personal copy of Saving Normal by Allen Frances, MD. I love this book because it really explains how we have come to medicalize ordinary life. Dr. Frances goes into account firsthand with direct experience of the development of the DSM-IV to the...
How To Openly & Honestly Ask For A More Supportive Relationship

How To Openly & Honestly Ask For A More Supportive Relationship

At one point or another, most people have the unfortunate experience of being in an unsupportive relationship. These relationships can make us feel unheard, unseen, and unloved. There are times when we want our loved one to celebrate our successes and others when we...
Why Passion Is Important

Why Passion Is Important

Life’s minutiae can be overwhelming. For some of us, there can be so much to worry about, handle, or stay on top of on a daily basis that it can be hard to stay motivated and energized every day. Daily routines start out as systems to help us move through life more...
10 Questions to Ask When Seeking a New Therapist

10 Questions to Ask When Seeking a New Therapist

Making the decision to begin therapy takes a lot of courage. Now that you’ve taken such a brave step and made the decision to attend therapy, you have the task of trying to find the right therapist. Finding the right counselor can sometimes be an ongoing task,...
How Does The Workplace Impact Employees?

How Does The Workplace Impact Employees?

Workplaces are an environment where individuals and teams can thrive or become very dysfunctional. People can gain a lot by working in a positive workplace and excelling in areas of their career where they felt limited before. Negative environments can create...