Career Counseling

Are You Struggling to Feel Fulfilled, Calm and Confident in Your Career?

Are you frustrated with your current job or finding it difficult to engage with your work, coworkers or boss? Maybe you’re wondering why you can’t find a job that you love or enjoy and starting to question if you’re in the wrong field, pursuing the wrong opportunities, or simply failing to progress professionally. Perhaps you’re worried that you’ll never find a career that best fits your skillset. You might struggle with the feeling that you don’t have employable skills or worthwhile talents. Does worrying about being “good enough,” either at your current job or in a future career, keep you up at night and staring at the ceiling? Are you unsure how to move forward and make a change?

Career stress can be isolating, discouraging, and depressing. You might be dealing with negative emotions associated with a job search, or maybe you have doubts about being able to find a job at all. You may question your worth on a daily basis, wondering whether you’re capable of finding career fulfillment. Maybe you’re not sure what skills you have or how to find a career that best fits your goals and talents. Perhaps the risks associated with changing careers are causing you stress or leaving you frustrated and unable to switch jobs. Overall, you might simply wish that you could find a job that leaves you feeling fulfilled or that you could achieve a healthy work/life balance.

Many People Struggle With Career Fears And Doubts

People from all ages and professions struggle with fear and anxiety related to their current job or the process of changing careers. According to a 2016 survey from Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, about 20 percent of working adults report that they experience a great deal of stress at work, while nearly half of all working adults report that their careers increase their stress levels.

Work stress can be a result of a variety of factors. Some people have consistent problems with their bosses, while others don’t feel valued in their places of work. Often, economic fluctuation leads to career uncertainty. Sometimes, workplace bullying and harassment, perhaps related to an overbearing boss, or long-term unemployment, cause a person to feel as if he or she does not deserve career success. Others struggle with outside influences, such as pressure from parents or partners, that makes them feel as though they don’t have control over their careers. If you’re a young adult, you may have been academically prepared but feel you lack the career development skills necessary for professional success and wonder how you can gain the experience you need to enjoy financial security and build the career you want.

Most people experience some kind of work-related worry, but some work stress can prevent you from fully enjoying life. If constant feelings of exhaustion or defeat are keeping you from enjoying a meaningful career, then career-focused counseling can help.

Get Your Professional Life Back On Track With Career Counseling

Whether you’re having trouble finding the right career or simply trying to find ways to approach your current work with a positive mindset, there’s no need to navigate this issue on your own. Working with a career counselor can help you uncover your professional passion, determine the right workplace environment and even confront any underlying issues that may be contributing to career anxiety.

My sessions take a holistic approach combining individual and career concerns, such as struggles maintaining positive self-worth, difficulties determining individual or professional talents, or worries surrounding a major career change. I identify strategies that improve stress management in the present. Then, we can work together to dig deeper and find the root causes of your experience of career anxiety. For example, maybe a distressing academic experience – such as ongoing discouragement, excessive criticism, or even abuse from a high school teacher—left you feeling like you’d never be successful. To explore such causes of career stress, I’ll emphasize accountability and real world applications, showing you how unique tools, such as career assessments, can uncover the skills and abilities that make you unique, both individually and professionally. Additionally, I’ll help you navigate the technical aspects of a job search. This process can include creating a networking plan, developing successful interviewing and resume writing techniques, and even implementing more effective job search habits.

I have 20 years of experience in career development and multiple certifications and qualifications, including a master’s degree in industrial and organizational psychology and certifications in human resources. I’ve learned there are many paths to success in the workplace, and I know it is possible for you to reduce stress, identify a clear career direction and pursue your goals with confidence. Using the help of individually tailored career counseling, you can find that your own strengths and talents are your greatest resources.

You may still have questions or concerns…

I don’t have the skills necessary to be successful.

In today’s economy, it’s easy to feel as if you don’t have the skills it takes to get ahead. Nothing could be further from the truth! It’s important to remember that everyone has unique talents and skills that can be applied to a fulfilling career. Counseling can help you identify these talents and then use them to navigate a potential career change or move ahead to the next step in your career.

I’ve tried career counseling in the past; what makes working with you different?

I’m more than just a career advisor: my practice combines the services of both a personal therapist and a career counselor. In helping my clients find the ideal work environment, I can also help them explore any underlying mental health issues contributing to career difficulties or personal challenges. I’ve worked with many clients who struggled with negative, self-limiting belief systems that were holding them back from fulfilling careers. As we work together, I will validate your experience, help you identify your talents, and offer support and guidance as we unpack any traumatic experiences that might be causing career anxiety or stress management difficulties. I tailor my sessions to each unique client, ensuring you get the individualized help you need to succeed.

No job is a good fit for me.

If you’ve dealt with a difficult career setting or had trouble starting your career for a long time, it can be easy to get discouraged. Sometimes, finding a job you love might seem impossible. Career counseling can help you shift your mindset and face either your existing career or your job search with a refreshed, positive and practical attitude.

Are you ready to invest in a career change or find fulfillment in your current work environment? Contact me today for a free phone consultation.